
Entrepreneur of Slovakia 2015 - Successful self-employed woman

One of the greatest successes for the "heart" of the Majolika-R company, Renáta Hermysová, is clearly the victory in the competition for the Slovak businesswoman.

The surprise came when the results were announced, where Renáta Hermysová received the award "Entrepreneur of Slovakia 2015 in the category of Successful Self-employed Person" for her many years of work in the field of preserving the traditional craft - ceramics and work with handicapped people.

Referencie / Podnikateľka Slovenska 2015 – Úspešná živnostníčka - foto
Referencie / Podnikateľka Slovenska 2015 – Úspešná živnostníčka - foto
Referencie / Podnikateľka Slovenska 2015 – Úspešná živnostníčka - foto
Referencie / Podnikateľka Slovenska 2015 – Úspešná živnostníčka - foto

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